HKE Technology

visited this project
5 years ago
We use our new technology of HKE (Hydrogen Kinetic Energy) physical resonance vibrations to restructure the water molecular structure to small molecular water. The hydrogen kinetic energy technology also can make wine or Whisky more alcoholization.
  • Design Brief5 years ago
    Logo Name
    HKE Technology
    Company Intro
    We use our new technology of HKE (Hydrogen Kinetic Energy) physical resonance vibrations to restructure the water molecular structure to small molecular water. The hydrogen kinetic energy technology also can make wine or Whisky more alcoholization.
    I like the idea of having an iconic water molecular structure that could even be recognized as we make small molecule water or used without the name. It is just only ideas. I would like to use single color if needed. Concise and not overly complicated, needs to look nice when scaled small or have a variation that does. I am looking for something distinct, iconic not just a name next to it.
  • Design Concepts Completed5 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 20 submissions from 6 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #9 by meliodas is declared WINNER!5 years ago
    #9 by meliodas