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13 days ago
Our target audience includes extremely wealthy individuals who love the sport of hunting alongside corporate CEO's who would want to host corporate retreats at this location.
- $200
- 410
16 days ago
Mobile Bar Service. Our target will be events. Corporate events, birthdays, anniversaries, weddings etc.
- $100
- 58
23 days ago
My co-ed softball team is called the Bats. We are a fun team that have traditionally had stylish uniforms. We are looking to get new buttoned jerseys and would like a fun logo on the sleeve.
- $79
- 104
a month ago
This is a website to feature the happenings in the venture capital investing world. Things like highlighting awesome companies, successful fundraising, available resources, etc. The reason for the word "unicorn" is because when a company grows to a valuation of over $1 billion dollars, it is called a unicorn.
- $100
- 389
a month ago
Skin care service business with a focus on brows and facials. Target audience is woman in their 20s-60s.
- $80
- 266
a month ago
Our company offers pressure washing, roof cleaning, house wash, and paver sealing. I want the patriotic theme to it.
- $79
- 92
a month ago
We are looking for a Logo for Victory Consulting, which is an Insurance company with agents. We are a full service company with agents that work all over looking for a agency that has great comp plans and support. We sell to the public
- $100
- 371