RePower Madison

visited this project
9 years ago
RePower Madison (RPM) is a citizen group that is advocating for the electric and natural gas utility serving Madison, WI (Madison Gas & Electric) to lead the nation in clean energy. RPM wants our utility to embrace renewable energy and energy conservation. <br>
  • Design Brief9 years ago
    Logo Name
    RePower Madison
    Company Intro
    RePower Madison (RPM) is a citizen group that is advocating for the electric and natural gas utility serving Madison, WI (Madison Gas & Electric) to lead the nation in clean energy. RPM wants our utility to embrace renewable energy and energy conservation. <br>
    Our campaign to promote clean energy needs a logo! We would like a logo that can be used on handouts, fliers, posters and letterhead. Ideally, the logo would be able to be used in full (with logo and our name) or with only the logo portion. We have thought that it should contain Green along with possibly Red, Blue, or Yellow, but are flexible and want to avoid difficulties for the colorblind. The logo NEEDS to look good in grayscale printing. The logo should communicate that we favor renewable energy (wind/solar/etc) and/or that our advocacy is meant to protect the earth by changing energy policy in the capitol city of Wisconsin.

    Reference Samples

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    mitchbrey19 years ago
    These designs are looking great. Looking forward to seeing the rest. Thank you designers!
  • #48 by abss is selected as the contest finalist!9 years ago
  • #76 by zack is selected as the contest finalist!9 years ago
  • #33 by AndrejApostolov is selected as the contest finalist!9 years ago
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    mitchbrey19 years ago
    Thank you all designers!
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    mitchbrey19 years ago
    Finalist, please keep in mind that the logo will need to look good in grayscale printing. Thank you for your great designs!
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    mitchbrey19 years ago
    You guys are amazing!
  • abss9 years ago
    Hi mitchbrey1,
    Any updates?
  • Design Concepts Completed9 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 1 submissions from 1 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #95 by abss is declared WINNER!9 years ago
    #95 by abss
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    mitchbrey19 years ago
    Thank you zack and AndrejApostolov for your effort.