Bootlegger Soap

visited this project
a year ago
Just starting an online soap business. We'll need more art assets in the very near future and the winner will have first shot at all future work.
  • Design Briefa year ago
    Logo Name
    Bootlegger Soap
    Company Intro
    Just starting an online soap business. We'll need more art assets in the very near future and the winner will have first shot at all future work.
    We are seeking a graphic designer to TWEAK our current "Bootlegger Soap" logo (IMAGE ATTACHED). We really like the old-time bootlegger car with bubbles coming out the back and "" on the side of the truck. We just want to add some color, 3D depth, and maybe make it look like it's racing/going fast instead of stationary. MOST IMPORTANTLY, it needs to match the color palette and font style (exact match not required) of our sister site, Gulf Coast Soapery (IMAGE ATTACHED). Lastly, we need the Bootlegger Soap logo to have a TRANSPARENT background. Good luck and we look forward to working with you.
    Gulf Coast Soapery Logo.png
    Bootlegger Soap Logo.jpg
  • Koushik selected as finalist!a year ago
  • Design Concepts Completeda year ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 38 submissions from 18 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #39 by done
    #38 by MariusCC
    #36 by Sami Ur Rab
    #34 by ammad
    #33 by DreamLogoDesign
    #30 by LogoQueen
    #27 by czars
    #26 by rizuki
    #23 by MonkDesign
    #21 by Koushik
    #18 by jaize
    #15 by griphon
    #14 by reight
    #6 by TMaulanaAssa
    #5 by cocote
    #4 by dewipadi
    #3 by Ebad uddin
    #2 by oke2angconcept
    ALL 38 Designs >
  • Design #19 by Koushik is declared WINNER!a year ago
    #19 by Koushik