- $100
- 283
- Logo Name:
- getirbet
- Company Intro:
- We are a company that will provide services in the betting industry. Our target audience is men aged 22 and above.
- Instructions:
- We prefer the design to be in text form. We are open to creative and attention-grabbing details. The split form of the name is "Getir Bet." Since it's a Turkish website and the Turkish language includes the letter "İ," the logo should be written as "GETİRBET," not "GETIRBET." The website's color scheme is provided below: Background color of the site: #000000, logo should have a transparent background Primary and most frequently used color: #fbd30c Secondary and supporting color: #654094
Reference Samples:
- GThank you for your supports. Every designs were perfect and selecting to number one was very difficult for us.
Open design concept stage had ended with 283 submissions from 57 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.