- $100
- 104
- Logo Name:
- Rooster Technology Group
- Company Intro:
- My company is called rooster technology group... roosters are noble creatures who will lay down their lives to protect the hens and defend their territory... they are also reliable loud mouths... My company functions as a technology broker. Businesses come to me for phone, internet, voice, cloud, data center, and cyber security solutions. I can bring them multiple quotes from multiple providers. Let's the customer get the best solution at the best price, and deal w 1 unbiased person instead of sales people from 5 different companies. I get paid by whichever provider they go with... so for them... my services are free.
- Instructions:
- Website isn't really designed yet - so keep that in mind while designing the color pallet. I like the idea of a muscle bound rooster... maybe a rooster's face... maybe doing some teach stuff? I don't really know. Hence the contest. The right design will be evident when I see it. Wow me... lol.
- I see a lot of designs w just the letters RTG... not a fan... I want an actual rooster... rooster outline... image... etc. Also saw a lot with roosters that looked too ridiculous or angry or bold/loud etc. If I didn't rate one that had a rooster image it is because I didn't like it very much. Additionally... cooler colors would be better than warmer colors IMHO. Thank you for everyone's efforts!
Open design concept stage had ended with 104 submissions from 39 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.