Gym Dots

visited this project
8 years ago
Hello, I am a gymnastics coach and I have made a product that is a training tool that will be used in gymnastics clubs, kids yoga studios, kids dance studios, preschools and elementary schools, or any sports league etc. I will be selling primarily online. The product is traditionally called a "poly spot" mine is unique, however, because on each poly spot I have designed my own original image of a gymnast. The Gym Dots have rubber like texture and are round and 9 inches long and almost flat, with about a quarter of an inch in height. These dots are used as markers in circuits so the athletes know what drill to work on during their training session. With the life like images that I have made, it will make coaching easier for coaches, and training easier for athletes. Gymnasts and other athletes can work independently and productively by doing what the Gym Dot images shows them to do. For example, the Dot may have gymnast performing a handstand against a wall, which would cue the athlete to perform a handstand against the wall during that circuit station.
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