Favicons are those shortcut icons you often see at the top of your browser window and in your favorite websites folder after you save a particular website. A favicon is basically a smaller version of a company’s logo, while still capturing the image of the company and what its main purpose is. Since favicons are small, they cannot contain words or phrases like you may find in logos. Favicons depend merely on color scheme and design in order to convey the company image into the minds of people who visit their website. These designs should not only be memorable, but they should also evoke positive feelings in those that see them. That way they will feel enticed to want to go back and visit the website again.
The How-to of Online Logo Design
The world of the internet can deliver news, information, social media and crazy videos right to you, wherever you are. It can also make hiring online freelance logo designers super easy to access for anyone with an internet connection. In the past, many businesses relied on public relations and advertising agencies to develop unique, professional logos that could be integrated into the look and feel of your business, non-profit, or other type of organization.
The one unique aspect about every social media network is the fonts used in their logos. Most people don’t even realize it, but social logo font helps create the branded image of the network in their heads.
7 Website Logo Trends for 2015
Websites, just like brick and mortar businesses, use their logo design to be memorable, and to stand out from the crowd. And, like fashion and food, paint colors, hairstyles and many other ways that people decorate themselves and their lives, web logo design often follows trends. Let’s take a look at seven website logo trends that are popular right now. These are taken from popular websites, so many of them might look familiar to you.
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Adobe Photoshop is particularly popular amongst professional photographers and graphic designers. But can you find anyone who hasn’t ever heard of it? Nowadays the software is present not only in computer graphics and photography but in the world of film, media and fashion. Few days ago Adobe Photoshop has turned 25. Although celebrating birthday of a computer program may seem grotesque, in this case it shouldn’t.
The words “shipping industry” don’t sound attractive or elegant or glamorous or exciting. But who doesn’t enjoy getting a package? Even if the package is work-related, opening the box can feel a bit like opening a gift.
So, how do shipping giants, like UPS and FedEx, use their logos to brand themselves to get their target audience of shippers and receivers to use them? In a side-by-side comparison of their logos, it’s pretty obvious that they are visually very different. But, they also have some important similarities.
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Taking the most creative and amazing photographs is a dream for many photographers. Although the photographers that we are featuring here today are some of the best and have already reached great heights in their profession, their portfolios are not the main subject of our article.
With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, we decided to inspire you with something that we do best: company logos! Logo designs are all about creativity and making a lasting impact. There is supposed to be something about them that they instantly appeal to the viewers – some logos can make people smile, some can make them wonder at the genius of it, some are attractive enough to look outstanding, and some are simple, to the point, yet impactful. For Valentine’s Day, we have summed up 40 LOVE themed company logos that can make your heart melt.
Logos surround us – we see them everywhere; on billboards, posters, online, in our phones, etc. Therefore it wouldn’t surprise you to know that there have been many instances where logos have been featured on cakes. Yes, the delicious food item people usually cut on birthdays. These logo cakes are not just designed especially for people who are the owners of the logos (like brand events and brand CEO’s birthday) but for everyday people as well. For example, a girl turning 16 gets a cake on her birthday with the famous Instagram logo on it because she uses the app on such a regular basis and all her friends know about it.
When popular logos that we are all so used to seeing, such as the colorful Google label or dark blue Facebook logo, are switched to resemble some other logo designs, the result is curiously very amusing. Our minds simple can’t adapt to the “wrongness” of it and it makes for an instant smile on your face! There’s something about us that we love seeing screw ups – all those times you laughed at your best friend for falling head-first into the ground? This logo switching is like that, only a bit less painful for the subjects to witness.